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Welcome to children and youth work!

Discover exciting socio-educational activities outside of family and school. From open meetings and workshops to camps - participation is voluntary and the topics are as diverse as our society. Whether it’s sport, art, the environment or democracy, there’s something for everyone here.

Find out more about this multifaceted field of activity and discover what skills are required. This page offers information for everyone, from already trained professionals to students and career changers. Immerse yourself in the world of child and youth work!

Do you want to know more?

Interested in a career in child and youth work?

Looking for a job, internship or university place?

The work field qualification VOCATION Youth work

The project „BERUFung Jugendarbeit“ started on 01.10.2021 in cooperation with the Kinder- und Jugendring Sachsen e. V., the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendfreizeitstätten Sachsen e. V. and the Landesjugendamt. The introductory course of this project is aimed at (new) professionals in child and youth work in order to give them a tailor-made start in the fields of action and to impart comprehensive skills. The aim of the course is to develop a professional attitude in the participants in order to create security and self-confidence and to enable them to position themselves within their field of activity.

The course that’s right for you:

University degree course

Course with technical college degree

Any questions? Ideas? Suggestions? Something on your mind?

We look forward to hearing from you and will contact you as soon as possible to get in touch with you. If you like, leave us your contact details so that we can get in touch with you.